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Sunday, August 20, 2006


There was once a comedian who suggested that the United States trade its anorexics for famished Somalians, arguing, "At least the latter will eat!" But there's a problem in America with eating too much. See here. Please note as the animation runs that nearly all states run toward red, i.e. their populations have become increasingly more obese over time. The legend notes there was no data available for Hawaii after 2003. Why is this? There's data for Alaska - whose population by the way hasn't escaped the overall trend apparent nearly everywhere else in America. The real answer lies in a question: who wants to go to Hawaii to study adipose? Nay, people who go to Hawaii want to see string bikinis, or better yet nude beaches, drink colorful drinks with little umbrellas, wear strappy sandals and skimpy sundresses, attend luaus and watch mock sacrifices of virgins in volcanoes. The only fat they want to see is at the pig roast on the beach. I say there's no fat data for Hawaii because nobody wants to go to the quintessential place of fun and sun armed with a caliper and chase after portly Hawaiians trying to measure their BMI . And if you've ever been to Hawaii you know the natives there are packing plenty.

Obesity is a leading risk factor for Type 2 diabetes, the most common kind in Americans (you too, Hawaii). This is a correlation not a cause. Nobody really understands the particular molecular mechanism of why high fat should cause glucose intolerance. The usual biological argument for fat people in Alaska is that it has evolved as a brace against long, bitterly cold winters, thus aiding survival, thus improving reproductive success, yaddy ya. But it's warm and sunny in the South Pacific! Yet Fijian women are plump as pot roasts:

Results: The prevalence of overweight and obesity was significantly different between the cohorts, increasing from 60% in 1989 to 84% in 1998 (p = 0.014). In addition, the age-adjusted mean BMI was significantly higher in 1998 compared with 1989 (p = 0.011). Finally, there were significant between-cohort differences in multiple measures of body image, which were mostly independent of BMI.

Discussion: At 84%, the prevalence of overweight and obesity in this community sample of Fijian women is among the highest in the world. The dramatically increased prevalence over the 9.5-year period studied corresponds with rapid social change in Fiji and significant shifts in prevailing traditional attitudes toward body shape.

Perhaps everyone with a BMI over 25 should trade places with a Somalian for one year. The problem isn't food; it's that the wrong people are eating it.

9:19:03 PM    Comments disabled

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Upright: noun : a by and large bipedal companion, also referred to as a human being.

What's a Cheechako?

Cheechako: noun : a person new to Alaska who has come with the intention to live here.

Who's Master?

Master: pronoun : just the finest upright on the face of the earth, that's who! To read him is to love him.

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Dogdom: noun : Life's venue from a dog's point of view.

What's a Sourdough?

Sourdough: noun : A long time Alaskan who has an automatic suspicion of cheechakos.

What does Outside mean?

Outside: noun : A provincial reference to somplace other than Alaska; usually the lower 48.

What's Breakup?

Breakup: noun : A uniquely Alaskan season between winter and spring when the snow and ice begins to melt for good.

Where is SquareBanks?

SquareBanks: slang : A self-evident euphemism for a place widely known as Fairbanks, AK.

Where can I read the Houston Trip?

Houston Trip: vignette : Here

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Camera: hardware : Canon Powershot A80 (4.0 MP)

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Mom: Hottie : Have A Look

What's a Squeakamunka?

Squeakamunka: noun : your ordinary gray squirrel which can be seen everywhere in our Cleveland neighborhood!

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