Unless you’re the lead dog …

… the view never changes.

Staring up the butt of your buddy for nine days straight, or more, can’t be much fun.

Iditarod 39 Mock Start – Anchorage

Which is not to say there is no virtue in following a leader. Barring outright malevolence or insanity some leaders are actually worthwhile, and why put yourself in their role and take the associated risks when following close behind in a supportive role gets you to the same goal, albeit not first.

The uprights took in the celebration and captured a video at the (mock) start this morning in downtown Anchorage. By the way, the name of the race is pronounced I-Dit-A-Rod, not I-Did-A-Rod, which is what Mom says.

All but a few of the sixty two teams had already left by the time they arrived. One wonders what occupies these dogs thoughts for 1049 miles.

15 seconds till takeoff

Salmon Ice Sculpture