Banana Flip

We were at the beach house Friday & Saturday night. On Saturday we witnessed certain people, 150 of them, leap into 36° saltwater to raise money for cancer research. Surely there’s a better way. Frogmen in dry suits were standing treading nearby to save anyone who might have gone into shock or needed help getting out of the water. None did during our watch. Banana man doing a flip was a nice theatrical twist. (Turn the video quality to at least 480p).

Later, Happy Wife discovers a starfish in a pool at low tide.


The tide was low enough to expose the isthmus leading to a small monadnock offshore.



All in all two great nights except Lucy was restless all of Saturday night, freakin’ out every time a slab of snow slid down the metal roof. Bless her, Happy Wife spent the entire night on the floor with Lucy to try to keep her settled.