Blind Justice

Haha – Ruth Bader Ginsburg falls asleep during the State of the Union speech.

She blamed it on the wine but if you ask me you can’t rule out the presenter.

It happened to me once. At a pharmacology seminar. I had not been drinking wine or anything else beforehand. I was seated near the back row, among friends, when all of a sudden a sharp jab to the ribs woke me up. I came to and there was my friend, a fellow grad student, Dasha I think it was, whispering loudly in my ear, “Dude, you were snoring!”

Who could blame me? The presenter was some prof from biochemistry droning on and on in a monotone voice about curing cancer in mice. It was late on a Friday afternoon. Like I said, I hadn’t been drinking, though if I recall I had had a big lunch. You know the feeling I’m talking about. The lights go down, your head bobs once, then twice, you correct yourself both times nearly giving yourself whiplash, and then the third time you don’t come up. Everyone was laughing about it after the seminar. Evidently I’d been snoring pretty loudly. Dasha said people five rows down were turning around to look.

Then again I wasn’t being paid $215K a year. If you’re being paid that much money you should be required to stay awake. No matter who’s speaking. If you don’t your pay gets docked. I totally love the look of unconcern on the face of the dude to her left — “Like, whatever.”