Lead, Follow, or Get Out of The Way

First I learned of the murders in San Bernadino, and then Happy Wife (HW) texts me that a friend died of a heart attack this morning. Perhaps more an acquaintance than a friend, though HW knew her better than I did. Still. It was a day where my own problems ongoing laments were trivial compared to tragedies local and distant.

It doesn’t matter what the world thinks. In fact, The World doesn’t think. Humans think. Or some of them do. The rest of us tag along. It’s true. Day to day most of us merely react to what goes on around us. We’re not trailblazers or pioneers or go-getters in any sense. We busy ourselves fretting over the banalities of basic life. Not like Zuckerberg and his wife. For God’s sake, they’re barely past 30 and already donating umpteen billions to charities of their own devising. I’m not a Facebook user or engineer, but from what I understand of Facebook it doesn’t seem that amazing. Not 43.6 Billion worth of amazing. Then again, as I said, Leader vs Follower.