On Vacation

Happy Wife rolled her ankle a week or so ago while walking the dog at the ungodly hour of 5:30 am. So for Christmas I bought her a festive red robe, drove her to the Nest and plopped her on the couch with her tablet, and generally tried to pamper her non-stop throughout the weekend. Which makes me sound unselfishly benevolent, until you realize she also made dinner those nights and walked the dog with me on the beach.

Bad ankle not shown

You see The Dog did what he could to provide succor.

I’m off all this week! It feels glorious. Being able to do what I want when I want, can’t beat it. It has not, however, exempt me from doing chores. For example, every day this week I am responsible for walking The Dog. This has to wait until the light comes up, about 10:00 am this time of year, and even then it’s a dim light at first, so I’ve been waiting until closer to 11:30 or so to venture out. No snow again this year, at least hardly any in Anchorage (but some in the mountains). Yesterday it was 45 degrees here and then the wind howled like a Spurned Lover all night long. This tends to make the trails icy, so “grippers” attached to the soles of shoes are recommended. After that the bathtub needs attention – it creaks and squeaks whenever somebody moves or steps in it while taking a shower. I think the source of the problem is just cheap material the tub is made from, meaning to fix this I should replace the tub altogether, but there’s a possibility I can get by on the cheap by greasing here or oiling there, being the tub is a Jacuzzi-style model mounted on a wood frame with an access port to get at the piping and motor. It’s weird, ’cause I think it only squeaks in winter and goes quiet again summer. The tub ‘n shower are on an outside wall which may have something to do with it. Ya think?!