Whatya think? I find it perfect for its color and simplicity. And, of course, the rendition is so bespoke, handmade by my bride. It’s funny to me to hear people knock before entering, as if I’m a real doctor, the kind that helps people. There’s still a couple changes I’d like to make in my office. One is changing out the shoddy, Venetian blind for one of those cellular type shades with a center pull. And since I removed the utility lights from the ceiling, I want to put up a few of those faux wood beams, which I think will give it the vibe of a cerebral sanctuary, a place for pipe smoking and deep thoughts, think Churchill, Truman and Stalin dividing the spoils after WWII. Although I don’t permit smoking here (or Stalin). With that, other than an additional wall hanging or two, I’m ready to call it done. Over time I feel like I could get some good work done here, we’ll see.
On the right: Discs of hydrophobic wonder afloat on water (aka Olive Oil). Starchy legumes loom below, like shape-sorted stones in a river bed (aka White Beans). Extra credit if you can explain the magnification in the oil droplets 😉
A good friend and his family arrive here tomorrow. HW and I haven’t seen Jim & Shelly in ages, 2006 in Boston was the last time I think. They’re visiting candidate colleges in the area their daughter is interested in attending. Last time I saw her she’d just been born. Where has the time gone. Plus Jim lost a bet we’d made, so he owes me a beer. He and I have cycled hundreds of miles together, starting way back in the mid 90s. All of us will have a lot of catching up to do I imagine. I fear we won’t get to it all during their brief visit. I hope they all enjoy the white beans, pork tenderloin, tri-tip, and grilled veggies on tortillas we’re making for lunch. And a hummus plate for Lily!