Newest Nibbe

Meet Chloe

She slept comfortably through the night, not a single whimper. Roughly two years old. Forty-eight pounds. We adopted her from the county humane society shelter, where she’d been for over thirty days. She’d been picked up as a stray, and though she was chipped, there was no reply to any of several attempts by the shelter staff to contact the putative owners. Not a lick of aggression in this dog; she’s friendly, independent, curious, and warming up to us nicely. We’re pleased to have her in our company. The folks at the shelter were happy Chloe found her forever home, although they were a bit sad as well to see her go. She was evidently the “calming influence” among dogs in the play yard where volunteers help the dogs overcome shelter-related anxiety. She’s got a good spirit. We really like her.

Worst behavior so far: She pulled the cheesecake serving utensil off the counter. I tiptoed into the kitchen and spotted her licking it clean. 🤗