White Privilege and the Dunning-Kruger Effect.

If you’ve not the slightest interest in nuanced Libertarianism, could care less about it than, say, the current temperature in Fairbanks, Alaska (it’s -29° F), don’t know or care what “nuanced” means or think Libertarianism is only for people who want (legally) to get stoned, then ignore the remainder of this post.

For all others, I read a fascinating post at the Popehat blog recently, complete with surely one of the most lively and thought-provoking comment threads I’ve seen in some time. Must’ve spent the better part of two hours one morning reading this. Afterwards, I’m unsure if I’m a left-libertarian, a right-libertarian, an anomaly, a closet anarchist, or a blissfully confused white man with a Midwest pedigree unaware of my own state of privilege and how it has rendered me irredeemably prejudiced and incapable of understanding the real reason why a young women once abused by an alcoholic parent can’t now stop whining and start her own business. Or maybe instead it’s because my skin color closely matches a band-aid.

Plus, I learned I may be an example of the reciprocal of the Dunning-Kruger effect!

Allow me to recommend from the cast of characters in the comments: 1) The pith of Robert White (Spoiler Alert: you may not like Bob); 2) The under-privileged conscientious objector, Kat; 3) Kat’s spicy antagonist, Julie; 4) The art of Graphictruth; etc..

At the end of the day, yes, there’s a lot of noise on the Blogosphere, but if you listen carefully every now and then you pick up some signal out there.

I’ve added Popehat to the “Sometimes Interesting” roll over there on the right. Need to keep an eye on these people.