Solstice Plus Two

It was one of those days. Emphasis on one. Cloudless. Bluesky. Seventies. Windless.

I threw Otis on top of Roo and Happy Wife drove us to the start line of this year’s colorectal cancer charity ride. It’s nominally a two day ride, the first from Anchorage to Summit Lake (75 miles), and the second to Seward (45 miles). This year they offered a one day option to Summit Lake, which is what I opted for, having arranged with Happy Wife to pick me up at ~2 pm. I hadn’t done any fund raising this year or registered in advance, so I registered on the spot and wrote them a check for the minimum fund raising requirement. A good cause. And a great day. I’ve participated in this event three or more times over the years, and a day like this is one to remember. Much pleasanter than fifty degrees and sideways rain, I think you’ll agree.

Photos: 1) Second water/food stop at base of Turnagain Pass, a gnarly 6 mile climb (~1000′); 2) two riders summit Turnagain Pass; 3) Otis takes a breather at the Hope cutoff, the last water/food stop before the climb to Summit Lake, ~12 miles.




Glad I opted for the one day option. Today it’s raining with other related foulness.

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